Young Economists Conference 2024
The Chamber of Labor Vienna, the Chamber of Labor Upper Austria, the Society for Pluralism in Economics Vienna and INET’s Young Scholars’ Initiative as well as our partner organizations (the VWZ Center for Students of Economics at WU Vienna, the Student representatives for the Master's Programs Economics, Socioeconomics & Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy at WU Vienna and the Roter Börsenkrach representatives for students of economics at the University of Vienna) hosted the 13th Young Economists Conference on September 26 and 27, 2024 in Vienna, Austria.
Video of the keynote speech by Prof. Benjamin Braun (London School of Economics) on Wealth regimes and the rise of institutional capital :
Video of the keynote speech by Prof.in Andrea Weber (Central European University) on Job search, unemployment and active labor market policy: How do they shape the labor market?
Video of Eduard März Prize recipient Clara Himmelbauer:
Unveiling the Persistent Gender Time Gap: How Formal Childcare Impacts Paid and Unpaid Work Dynamics in Austrian Families, Sophie Achleitner (Momentum Institut), Tamara Premrov (Chamber of Labour Vienna)
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The Inequality-Emission Dilemma: Pre-distribution vs. Redistribution Tobias Angel, Alexandre Berthe, Valeria Costantini, Mariagrazia D’Angeli (Université Paris Cité)
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What Drives Firm Participation in the Low-Carbon Economy? The Role of Peer Effect in the UK, Weiwei Bendixen PhD student (Queen Mary University of London)
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Productivity Growth and Class Struggle in a Growth Regime Framework , Philip Blees (IPE Berlin, EPOG+)
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Financialization, distribution and inflation: A kaleckian approach and an empirical application to the cases of germany and austria, Cara Dabrowski (WU Wien)
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Between academia and economic policy: The rise and decline of postKeynesian economics in Austria, Engelbert Stockhammer ( King’s College London), Quirin Dammerer (WU Wien) & Andreas Maschke (University of Sheffield)
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The Effect of Income on Residential Energy Consumption by Lukas Diex (FH des BFI)
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The Political Economy of Exporting Higher Education: A Case Study on the Introduction of Tuition Fees for International Students in Baden-Württemberg, Yuliya Edrysian (Uni Duisburg Essen)
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The Contingent Effects of Economic Growth and Institutions on Income Inequality: An Empirical Study, Bernadette Louise Halili (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain)
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Normative Judgements in the Inequality of Opportunity Approach, Moritz Hörl (Research Institute Economics of Inequality, Vienna University of Economics and Business)
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The (Dis-)Equalizing Effects of Production Networks, Leonhard Ipsen, Jan Schulz (Otto-Friedrich-Uni Bamberg)
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Militarization, Gendered Labor Market, and the Care Economy, Saniya Jilani (Colorado State University)
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Industrial Policy, Patrick N. Klösel (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
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Role Of Higher Education In The Era Of Automation: A Task-Based Approach, Hannah Massenbauer (Uni Zürich)
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Policy Designs of a Just Transition in Austria: Testing potential outcomes with IO-SFC Modeling, Magdalena Maad, Julian Maukner (WU Wien)
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Unequal Opportunities, Strategic Sexual Partnerships, and Women’s Labor Market Outcomes in Kenya, K. Simiyu, B. Mbinya (University of Nairobi)
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Inequalities and Social Determinants of Gender Reservation Wages: Workers’ Decision-Making Under an Economic Shock, Gabriel R. Padro Rosario (Department of Economics, The New School for Social Research, New York)
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The geography of the Robotisation-Health nexus, Evidence from Italian provinces, Arsène Perrot, Fabiano Compagnucci, Paolo Veneri (Gran Sasso Science Institut)
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The Effect of COVID-19 Business Subsidies on Corporate Insolvencies Young Economists Conference 2024, David Plakolm
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The Association between Adverse Temperature Shocks and Schooling Outcomes in India: Impact Quantification and Mitigation Potentials, Sumit Agarwala (National University of Singapore), Pulak Ghoshb (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore), Francesco Scarazzatoc (WU Wien), Sofie R. Waltl ( University of Cambridge)
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Exploring the vote share decline of the Austrian Social Democratic Party Daniel Schmidtner (Uni Wien)
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Social Segregation, Misperceptions and Emergent Cyclical Choice Patterns Young Economists Conference 2024, Daniel M. Mayerhoffer (Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam), Jan Schulz (Economics Institute, University of Bamberg)
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The Great Depression and Inequality in Stockholm 1926-1934, Jakob Segerlind (Lund University)
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Unpaid Work, Time Use, and Time Poverty in Kenya, K. Simiyu (Economics Scholar, University of Nairobi , J. Njai ( Economics Scholar)
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Wealth Inequality and Media Narratives: Exploring Redistribution Policy Debates on Taxation in German-Speaking Countries, Hendrik Theine (WU), Alexander Stäudelmayr (WU), Magdalena Maad (WU), Andrea Grisold (WU) Moritz Gartiser, (Uni Duisburg-Essen)
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Transitions Out Of Unemployment: A Competing Risks Model To Study Gender, Salary And Nationality Disparities In Austria, Martin Teixeira (WU), Erisa Kallaba (WU), Dorota Zemankova
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A Comparative Case Study of Japan’s Unconventional Monetary Policy 1999–2006, Moritz Uhl (Uni Wien)
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What are the odds? Development of homeownership of Austrian households since 1990 and the significance of intergenerational transfers, Philipp Wimmer (WU Wien)
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