© Patrick Mokre

Call for Papers: 13th Young Economists Conference on September 26 and 27


26.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
12:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr



The Chamber of Labor Vienna, the Chamber of Labor Upper Austria, the Austrian Society for Pluralist Economics and the INET Young Scholars Initiative

Progressive economists and social scientists should research an economy that works for working people. Productive and reproductive labor are the driving forces of society. Recent debates on labor shortages and the care crisis emphasize that centrality, at the same time the literature consistently shows that inflation, the climate crisis and political polarization over-proportionally impact workers, the unemployed and those primarily performing unpaid care labor.  

The 13 Young Economists Conference fosters debates on the dynamics and inequalities of labor, current realities as well as proposals for future changes. A thorough and multi-disciplinary analysis can provide a realistic understanding of the economy and the groundwork for necessary change.  

The Chamber of Labor Vienna, the Chamber of Labor Upper Austria, the Society for Pluralism in Economics Vienna and INET’s Young Scholars’ Initiative as well as our partner organizations (the VWZ Center for Students of Economics at WU Vienna, the Student representatives for the Master's Programs Economics, Socioeconomics & Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy at WU Vienna and the Roter Börsenkrach representatives for students of economics at the University of Vienna) will host the 13th Young Economists Conference on September 26 and 27, 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

We invite researchers in the early stages of their career (Master, pre- or post-doc) from all professions, especially economics, political sciences and sociology, to submit their work. We especially encourage female and LGBTIQ* contributors as well as researchers of color and first generation academics to present at the conference.  

INET’s Young Scholars’ Initiative generously sponsors up to ten travel stipends for researchers from countries in the Global South. In your submission, please indicate if you wish to be considered for YSI’s selection process. 

The deadline for abstracts (maximum 1 page) is May 23, 2024. Participants will be notified of acceptance by July 2024, the deadline for the submission of full (working) papers for consideration for the Eduard März Preis is August 26, 2024. 

The conference language is English. The conference is free of charge, presenters will be reimbursed for train travel cost within Austria, accommodations are paid for. An outstanding contribution will be awarded the Eduard März Prize of €1,000.

Submission of abstracts and further information:


26.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
12:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr



The Chamber of Labor Vienna, the Chamber of Labor Upper Austria, the Austrian Society for Pluralist Economics and the INET Young Scholars Initiative

Submission of abstracts and further information:




Kammer für Arbeiter und Abgestellte Wien

Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Prinz Eugenstraße 20-22
1040 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 50165-0

- erreichbar mit der Linie D -

Submission of abstracts and further information: